Monday, February 8, 2010

on how to wet yourself.

Avy's party was wrong, right, unusual (everything in between).

my insomnia finally took its toll on me, trigging my mind.

dear epilepsy, I love you, I hate you. but more importantly, after two and a half years, I still don't know you.

collapsed in the corner. shaking is even more (if possible) distressing when your head keeps hitting the baseboard and socket. just got home from the hospital. not until an hour ago did I notice my white Derek Lam has a deranged yellow shade to it. haven't washed it since the party. I wet myself. can't control my bladder during seizures.

I was discovered, after 56 minutes of lying in my own fluids, and someone (who?) called the ambulance.
sorry about your carpet, Avy.


  1. Aurora, this makes me so sad. sometimes I wish I was there with you, helping you, making it easier for you to live a normal life. sadly I live in Seattle, but hey, if you ever come here at least you know you have one eager fan :)

  2. What's a carpet compared to a life? I'm just happy you're ok sweetie. I think it was Kim that made the call by the way.

  3. no sleep is physiological stress... but i shouldn't presume to know. it sounds pretty traumatic.

  4. So sorry. My husband suffers from seizures and they are always so scary. I'm glad to hear you're okay. : )

  5. oh my, I think you were the climax at the party hun.

  6. oh my goodness!! I am glad you are ok, this sounds like such a frightening experience. You are so brave and intelligent to be able to handle these things time and time again. I really hope you are ok!

  7. I actually love your blog you are amazing :)) Following now:) follow back? x x x

  8. oh gosh, that must have been terrible.. good that you're okay though.

  9. I just realized this was a true event? Oh my word, I'm so sorry. I thought it was a fiction story. My heart sank when I saw other comments come in. I feel terrible. It was written so well I though it truly must be a story. I'm such a dunce.

  10. Wow, you have such an interesting blog!

    Thanks for the comment, I'll be following you :D


  11. wow sounds like a horrible experience, glad you made it through tho! thanx for the commet on the blog by the way ima follow u

  12. Oh your ambulancegirl? I think it was beautiful.

  13. I am beyond stunned by your exquisite writing. This is incredible stuff.

    And I hope you are all right, lovely girl.

  14. carolina, please don't feel terrible. maybe it's just easier to observe the world as if it came out of a book. that way, no one ever gets hurt. it's rather ideal. and you simply cannot feel terrible when it comes to the ideal.


  15. thanks for stopping by.
    as for sleep, follow me around for one day. i think i create a poppy field aura, a la wizard of oz, that mkaes it impossible not to zzzzzzzzzzz out on command, anywhere , anyplace.

  16. My hand outstretched, my shoulders available and not even distance could stop me holding you dear. It is a cruel thing to endure to be sure.
    My love, my care and my prayers to anyone who is made to.
    Warm regards,

  17. all of you are intriguing.

    I'm impressed that you've hardly succumbed to the life of aristocracy.

  18. Your blog is AMAZING.
    Thank's for looking at mine.
    Keep on checking mine/commenting
    I'm going to go keep reading through yours.

  19. I'm really sorry you had to go through that, I have a friend with epilepsy as well. I hope your allright

  20. Your blog enthralls me Aurora, I will be awaiting your posts eagerly..

  21. Your blog is very intriguing--like nothing I've ever read before. You are brave to share your stories. And for us, it's poetry.

  22. good lord. so i guess i am reading this circle of bloggers that were at the party and i just realized "the girl" was you. well shit, makes me feel better about my own whacked life. i am sorry, do u want me to bring you some soup? i could be your mother, you know. (=;

