Saturday, January 9, 2010


I was never the emotional type of girl, more of the don't-care-but-wishes-she-did type of girl. I think it has to do with my austere upbringing. "Aurora - straight back," said my mother stiffly through the usual dinner silence (it was when I was invited to have dinner with Catalena's family at the age of ten that I discovered other families were different). we weren't raised to show emotions, me and my sisters, none of us were.

Catalena never complained. Andrei, however, says I'm emotionally challenged. says he can't stand being around me anymore. that I'm cold, -too depressing to be around. he's left for Europe. don't know when he'll be back. am I really that cold? am I really that depressing?


  1. You're not depressing; you're whimsical.
    There's a difference.

    Five minutes ago, your music became integral to my existence. Is there any way of stealing it? It wouldn't be stealing, not if you told me...

    Well that changes everything.

  2. I love your writing.
    have a great weekend, xoxo

  3. you are sort of cold, but I would't say that's a bad thing.
